Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Should Ron Call It Quits?

    As the GOP campaign trail carries on, more and more believe that Ron Paul should just call it quits. In a recent gallup poll, it showed Paul as having only a 9% approval rating and he has only won 71 delegates, compared to Romney's 569 delegates (Volack, 2012). Additionally, 69% view Romney as being the most electable and having the best chance to beat Obama in the Presidential election. This may account for why in a new CNN/ORC poll, 61% are ready to see Paul throw in the towel (Volack, 2012). Paul is quite well aware that his chances of winning are minute, however in a recent press release he stated,
 “While other candidates are focused solely on the beauty contests to get the headlines, we’re undertaking a comprehensive strategy that I am confident can lead to the nomination. (Volack, 2012)”
During a recent interview on CNN with Piers Morgan, Morgan asked Paul why he will not just throw in the towel because he is clearly not going to win, in which Paul responded for him to stop with the "silly questions" (Watson, 2012). Paul is not under any false pretenses that he is going to win this election, he understands that the polls and delegates are clearly not in his favor. He however refuses to stop fighting because he believes that he is the only true fiscal conservative of all the GOP candidates. During this heated interview with Piers, Paul finally replied,

“You know, whether it’s up in Maine — or right now we’re doing very well in the state of Washington and North Dakota and excellent now in Nevada. And even Missouri the other day, some really good news came out there for us...Through the process, our people are in the right places. They’re doing the things to become a delegate. So it’s way too soon for you to write anybody off...Besides, just because somebody is in second or third place and — but there’s a race going on. What if Mitt Romney isn’t the best person?...Why should we just throw in the towel because people like you say, ‘Hey, throw in the towel; people don’t want you out there wanting to debate the war and wanting to debate the Federal Reserve and wanting to debate this civil liberties, you know, assassination on American citizens, the military arresting Americans’?”(Watson, 2012)”
Despite that most people are ready to narrow down the race to Romney and Santorum, Ron refuses to call it quits. He is still fighting because he views the other candidates as wanting too much government, too much spending, implement poor foreign policy which we cannot afford, and legislation that is too restrictive with regards to America's freedom. Ron Paul may have a very slim chance at winning, but don't expect him to back down and be silent any time soon. 

                      Works Cited                        
Volack, J. (2012, March 27). Ron paul: 'i am trailing but the race isn't over'. Retrieved from 

Volack, J. (2012, March 7). Ron paul's super tuesday hopes dashed but he presses on. Retrieved from 

Watson, S. (2012, March 27). Ron paul to cnn anchor: ‘stop pestering me with silly questions”. Retrieved from 

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